21 April 2014

Monday Monday

Today is Monday.

How did you feel when you read those words?
Blah, great another Monday, yippee! It's Monday, ugh back to work!
There are many options for responses to the above statement, and most of them are negative, but let's think in a different light about Monday, specifically this Monday.

Today is not like any other Monday out of the year 2014. Today is the day after Easter. We celebrate Easter because of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Today is not like any other Monday. If you are a Christian, this day has so much meaning, because we now get to live in freedom from our sin. If you are not a Christian, I pray that you will come to realize the significance of this day.

You see, on Friday and Saturday, we were still dead in our trespasses. Jesus made the sacrifice for us on Friday, and had the resurrection not taken place on Sunday, we would still be lost without hope. However, this is not the case. See Mark 16:1-8.

You matter. Your life matters.

Do you believe this about yourself? If you didn't matter, Jesus would not have sacrificed Himself for you. You are valuable and precious to God. No matter what you've done, no matter what you think or feel about yourself, and no matter what other people say about you, God's Word is what matters in the end, and He loves you dearly, even to death. You can find rest and eternal life in Christ.

When it comes to enjoying Monday, especially today - this Monday, it starts with realizing the significance of God's grace, which affects the rest of our lives. We have hope. We have purpose. We have assurance that Christ will return and that we will no longer dwell in a cursed world. No longer do we have to dread Mondays. No longer do we have to complain because the weekend is over. The work that we accomplish during the week has meaning and purpose.

I encourage you to reflect on the sacrifice that Jesus made for you. I encourage you to see how valuable you are. I encourage you to let God embrace you.

13 April 2014

Palm Sunday

Today is Palm Sunday. This day a couple thousand years ago was the Sunday before Jesus sacrificed His life for mine. This weekend my church was going to have an outdoor picnic, but because of the weather, they had to cancel it. This meant that I had more time to rest.

It seems as though rest has been the present theme of my life. As a student working part time and being involved in various ministry settings, it is easy for my schedule to reach its max. Yet, God has been teaching me how to rest in the midst of a busy life.

Things I've noticed when I rest physically:
- more energy for daily tasks
- fewer numbers of colds
- sharper ability to focus

Things I've noticed when I rest spiritually:
- My relationship with God grows stronger as I remember and live according to the sacrifice that Jesus made for me.
- I accept that it's okay for me to be weak, because then Christ is strong in me.
- I allow my worth to come only from what God says about me instead of what I say, what others say, or what Satan says. No longer do I have to listen to the voice of the accuser.

What about you? Do you let yourself rest? What about spiritually? Who do you rely on for your strength to get through each day? You can be assured that Jesus is the only source of strength you need, and the rest that follows is sweet. 

When it comes to resting physically, what helps you relax during the week? Do you take time for yourself on weekends? How many hours of sleep do you give yourself at night? Letting yourself sleep enough hours each night is a gift that keeps on giving. On the weekends do you get pulled into work assignments that can wait until Monday?

One reason so many people dread Monday is that they have not taken enough time to rest during the weekend. Allow yourself to rest physically during the weekends. You'll be taking better care of yourself and will be ready for the week ahead.

When it comes to resting spiritually, let go of the tendency to work so much, relying on yourself, your parents' faith, or any ole version of spirituality. Let the Lord lift that burden for you and show you the joy that comes from a relationship with Him.

May the Lord draw you to Himself this week. May you find rest in God.