09 March 2014

Is Christ Worth Living for?

Your relationship with God through Christ is the most important thing in your life.

What is your response to the above statement?
1. My whole self (heart, mind, and soul) agrees with that completely.
2. I know that in my head, but...
3. I know Jesus needs to be the most important thing in my life, but honestly speaking, He isn't.
(Fill in the blank) is more important to me.
4. I have a different religion.
5. I'm spiritual, doesn't that count?
6. I don't want anything to do with spirituality or religion.
7. I have no clue.

Christ as Center | Cross | Salvation

My encouragement to you:
1. Hold tight to your faith. Remember not to become complacent in your walk with Christ. Ask God to show you ways in which you are likely to be complacent and how to press on.

2. I applaud you for your honesty. Ask God to help you translate what you know in your head to what you can know in your heart.

3. What do you consider as most important to you? What would devastate you the most if you lost it? What do you wake up for in the morning?

4. Would your deity have compassion on you if you messed up? I know for sure that mine would. In fact, He already has. My Lord, Jesus, chose to have compassion on me knowing that I would forsake Him. He gave His life to pay the penalty for sin in my life. He did this for you, as well.

5. The joy of my spirituality is that I get to interact with the Creator of the universe. So, not only to I get to enjoy nature, but I also get to enjoy a relationship with the One who can tell me all about nature. The beauty of the Gospel is that while it celebrates creation, it also communicates to us the story of God, who wants to be the One with whom we enjoy creation. Jesus pursued us.

6. The decision is yours. I respect you. I just want you to know the deep joy you can have from relationship with God through Christ. Maybe you trust only in science. Maybe you believe religion and spirituality to be mere child's play. I challenge you reconsider this.

7. Everyone will have to make a decision at some point about a relationship with God through Christ. I encourage you to ask Jesus to be your Savior, the One who can take away the penalty of sin and who will walk faithfully with you.