16 July 2012

Do You Know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Do you consider yourself a disciple, a Christ-follower, a believer? I recently listened to a sermon by David Platt via podcast, and I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to ask you this question. I was compelled to know if the people in my life are disciples of Jesus. I know the members of my family are. Do you know if your family members are?

Notice what I'm not asking you:
I'm not asking you if you go to church,
If you have ever been to church,
If you go to church at Christmas and Easter,
If you have been baptised,
If you live in the Bible Belt,
If you are Southern (I'm Southern as they come, but neither a front porch nor sweet tea will save you.),
If other members in your family are disciples of Jesus (It's important to know this, but just because someone else in your family is a believer doesn't mean you are necessarily.),
If you have ever sung Amazing Grace,
If you have ever quoted John 3:16,
If you say you are a Christian (It's one thing to say you are a Christian, but do you really follow Christ? Have you experienced the pure joy of walking with Him daily?),
If you have read the Bible,
If you have been to church camp,
If you have sung in the church choir, or
If you have grown up in church.

Notice what else I'm not asking you.
If you are a "good" person,
If you have hurt someone,
If someone has hurt you,
If you are "perfect,"
If you have morals,
If you don't have morals,
If you are religious,
If you are spiritual,
If you are trying to find yourself,
If you are nice to people,
If you aren't nice to people,
If you are rich,
If you are poor,
If you are popular,
If you aren't popular,
If people like you,
If people don't like you,
If you are intelligent,
If you aren't intelligent,
If you are a theologian,
If you have tithed or given money to charity,
If you have volunteered anywhere, or
If you have been on a mission trip.

What I am trying to tell you is that salvation rests upon nothing other than Jesus. You cannot experience true freedom unless Christ has redeemed you. Society tells you that there are many roads to happiness and freedom, but only one of them is real. You may be able to do "whatever makes you happy," but "whatever" didn't die for you. "Whatever" didn't give up its riches and glory and honor in Heaven for you. "Whatever" did not sacrifice itself for you so that you don't have to pay the penalty for this curse under which the earth spins. "Whatever" did not silence the mean things that people say about you. "Whatever" did not plead before God on your behalf. God has sent us a way out, a path to real and meaningful joy that goes deeper than the surface of mere happiness. Jesus sacrificed His LIFE for you. What else do you want?

It does not matter what other people say about you. It matters more what God says about you. But you cannot know what God says about you until you know the redemptive work of Christ. Until you accept Jesus as your Savior from the mess of this world, you cannot have access to the promises and fullness of life that God has to offer. Quit believing what the world and what other people say about salvation, your sin, and how you cannot come to Christ until you are cleaned up and dressed nicely for the Sunday service. Jesus wants to jump into your life right now and start healing you. He wants to show you what real salvation looks like. He wants to start showing you the fullness of His redemption and the loving words that God says about you. Please let Him start today.

For more on this subject, check out the following video of David Platt's recent message on salvation: 

If you have questions about salvation, by all means, talk to someone. Don't just sit there, ask somebody. Ask Christ to be your Savior. Ask Him what He needs to redeem you from specifically.