04 January 2012

Need Help with Resolutions? Let me help you!

Welcome to my blog! This post includes tips and ideas to help you with those New Year's Resolutions. If you haven't set yours for the year just yet, there is no need to stress out about it. The year is young. Maybe you haven't set them because you roll your eyes at the unrealistic expectations that come around this time of year. But I know that you can accomplish your goals! If God has given you the abilities and opportunities to accomplish the desires of your heart, then you have no excuse  not to chase after them :)

If you don't believe me, read Psalm 37, especially verses 3-6. In this psalm, David contrasts the ways of the wicked with those who have been redeemed by the Lord. At the end, he declares that our victory comes from the Lord.

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
Psalm 37:3-6

The new year brings hope. Hope of new opportunities, hope in your ability to keep those resolutions come February, and hope in a deepened relationship with God.  This year, be intentional about your relationship with  God.  Talk to Him and spend more time with Him this year.  Let His presence guide you, as you will experience much more joy and peace.  With that, let's take a look at past opportunities and future resolutions.

Before you let January slip away, spend some time reflecting on these areas of your life: opportunities and resolutions.  Grab a notebook, a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and answer these questions:  This past year, what opportunities did you seek out?  Which ones did you achieve? Miss? Of the ones you achieved, pick your favorite, and of the ones you missed, pick the one you really wanted to achieve.

Next, list reasons why you wanted to achieve those goals. Let's start with the ones you missed. What was so important about them, and why do you think they slipped away? Do not be discouraged.  Many times the opportunities we seek are unrealistic or outside of God's plan, so it is important to observe those opportunities you missed.

Romans says that, regardless of who you are, we all have fallen short of the glory of God.
See Romans 3:22-24.

Now do the same activity for the opportunities you achieved. List how you accomplished them and why you wanted to. And treat yourself because you achieved them! Praise God for the abilities He has given you to accomplish those goals.

Reflecting on the opportunities of 2011 can help you set realistic resolutions for this new year.  Have you made your New Year's Resolutions yet?  If not, don't worry, as the year has only just begun.  I recommend, though, that you have a list by the end of this week or the first of next week so you can go ahead and establish the routine of what you want to accomplish this year.  Routine is everything.  Setting goals is an exciting way to begin the new year.

As Dave Ramsey recently tweeted, "Goals convert vision into energy. When you write your goals down, you immediately start feeling the earth move under your feet."

Let's take a closer look now.  What are your new year's resolutions?  Is your list a long one or a short one?  You want to categorize and consolidate your list so you can keep up with them. When you make a list of resolutions, it's similar to setting goals, and when you set goals, you want to include long-term and short-term goals. This can include a chart of simple things you can do throughout the week to make those resolutions a reality. Sure, your long-term goal may seem overwhelming, but checking off weekly tasks will help you achieve that long-term goal. It will also boost your confidence!

Now, I understand that your resolutions may not necessarily require a deadline. For example, maybe you want to improve the way you talk to other people, spend more time with your family, or eat healthier. These resolutions do not require a deadline per say, but you still need to be aware of the simple things you can do to conquer those resolutions.

So, it's still important to write down your resolutions and the tasks that go along with them. Post your resolutions and weekly tasks where you will see them often, such as the calendar on your cell phone, your student planner, or a bulletin board in your home office. A bulletin board is an excellent way to visualize the dreams you want to chase.

In addition to your resolutions, surround yourself with motivation! Motivation is key to accomplishing your goals. For example, if one of your resolutions is to lose weight, pin up a recent picture of yourself on a bulletin board. Next to it, pin up a photo of how you want to look once you achieve your goal. You can add inspirational Scripture, quotes, and more also. Get creative with resolutions! If you enjoy the journey, you will be more likely to accomplish your goals!

The final thing I want to address is the idea of keeping promises. In relationships, you build trust by keeping promises. Well, if you have a list of resolutions that you really want to conquer, you need to make promises to yourself. This will help you stay committed to your resolutions. If you cannot keep the promises you make to yourself, you can hardly expect to keep the ones you make to other people.

I hope these tips have helped you. With some attention and effort, you can accomplish your resolutions!