16 July 2012

Do You Know Jesus?

Do you know Jesus? Do you have a personal relationship with Him? Do you consider yourself a disciple, a Christ-follower, a believer? I recently listened to a sermon by David Platt via podcast, and I felt the Holy Spirit leading me to ask you this question. I was compelled to know if the people in my life are disciples of Jesus. I know the members of my family are. Do you know if your family members are?

Notice what I'm not asking you:
I'm not asking you if you go to church,
If you have ever been to church,
If you go to church at Christmas and Easter,
If you have been baptised,
If you live in the Bible Belt,
If you are Southern (I'm Southern as they come, but neither a front porch nor sweet tea will save you.),
If other members in your family are disciples of Jesus (It's important to know this, but just because someone else in your family is a believer doesn't mean you are necessarily.),
If you have ever sung Amazing Grace,
If you have ever quoted John 3:16,
If you say you are a Christian (It's one thing to say you are a Christian, but do you really follow Christ? Have you experienced the pure joy of walking with Him daily?),
If you have read the Bible,
If you have been to church camp,
If you have sung in the church choir, or
If you have grown up in church.

Notice what else I'm not asking you.
If you are a "good" person,
If you have hurt someone,
If someone has hurt you,
If you are "perfect,"
If you have morals,
If you don't have morals,
If you are religious,
If you are spiritual,
If you are trying to find yourself,
If you are nice to people,
If you aren't nice to people,
If you are rich,
If you are poor,
If you are popular,
If you aren't popular,
If people like you,
If people don't like you,
If you are intelligent,
If you aren't intelligent,
If you are a theologian,
If you have tithed or given money to charity,
If you have volunteered anywhere, or
If you have been on a mission trip.

What I am trying to tell you is that salvation rests upon nothing other than Jesus. You cannot experience true freedom unless Christ has redeemed you. Society tells you that there are many roads to happiness and freedom, but only one of them is real. You may be able to do "whatever makes you happy," but "whatever" didn't die for you. "Whatever" didn't give up its riches and glory and honor in Heaven for you. "Whatever" did not sacrifice itself for you so that you don't have to pay the penalty for this curse under which the earth spins. "Whatever" did not silence the mean things that people say about you. "Whatever" did not plead before God on your behalf. God has sent us a way out, a path to real and meaningful joy that goes deeper than the surface of mere happiness. Jesus sacrificed His LIFE for you. What else do you want?

It does not matter what other people say about you. It matters more what God says about you. But you cannot know what God says about you until you know the redemptive work of Christ. Until you accept Jesus as your Savior from the mess of this world, you cannot have access to the promises and fullness of life that God has to offer. Quit believing what the world and what other people say about salvation, your sin, and how you cannot come to Christ until you are cleaned up and dressed nicely for the Sunday service. Jesus wants to jump into your life right now and start healing you. He wants to show you what real salvation looks like. He wants to start showing you the fullness of His redemption and the loving words that God says about you. Please let Him start today.

For more on this subject, check out the following video of David Platt's recent message on salvation: 

If you have questions about salvation, by all means, talk to someone. Don't just sit there, ask somebody. Ask Christ to be your Savior. Ask Him what He needs to redeem you from specifically.

03 June 2012

Gospel to the Nations - Part 2

When you hear the word missions, what comes to mind? Digging a well? Serving meals at a homeless shelter? Building a church? Third-world countries? If these came to mind, great! But I am here today to tell you that missions is more than that. There are lots of ways to get involved with missions.
Manuel Antonio, Costa Rica

Before we begin, I ask you to remember one thing and act on it. All people matter to God. Christ redeemed us all, therefore, we are all in need of hearing the Gospel. You know this. Check out Romans 3:22-24. Missions can occur in your hometown and in other countries. Do not overlook the communities in your own backyard. Your family is part of your mission field. Your coworkers are, too. If you serve in Christian ministry in any capacity (pastors, ministers, counselors, Bible study leaders, worship leaders, praise team and choir members, laymen, lay women, volunteers, etc.), the people you serve are in your mission field. For heaven's sake, do not neglect them! The mission field is not confined to foreign countries. The mission field is not only "over there." The mission field is here and now.

Also, mission work is not for "other people." It is for all those who call Jesus Savior and Lord and involves a variety of skills. We are all called to share the Gospel, as Jesus commands in the Great Commission in Matthew 28:16-20. Don't let the enemy tell you that you don't have anything to offer in the world of missions. God is the one who created you. You have skills, gifts, and talents that He wants to use. He knows your past, your tendencies, what makes you tick, your heart's desires, your thoughts, etc. God knows about your fallacies. But, the beautiful thing is that God still wants to use you!

Now, onward to the possibilities! Has anyone ever shared with you the kinds of mission opportunities that are out there? If not, let me tell you about a few. If someone already has, well, they beat me to it! But, keep reading. Maybe you'll come across something new.

Ideas for Missions
  • Wash feet.
  • Dig wells.
  • Serve meals at a homeless shelter.
  • Help an elderly person run errands.
  • Build churches.
  • Provide medical care.
  • Rescue people from human trafficking.
  • Start a Christian bookstore in a foreign country.
  • Show those in your community how to study God's Word.
  • Teach those in other countries how to study God's Word.
  • Teach your children how to study God's Word. (No, this is not too advanced for them. Just teach them the basics.)
  • Disciple others.
  • Teach others how to make disciples.
  • Host a group of college or graduate school students at your home occasionally.
  • Keep in touch with seminary students you know.
  • Pick a new missions organization each year to support financially, spiritually, and emotionally.
  • Start a blog to share personal stories about your missional experiences.
  • Write a book about a missional topic that interests you. Even if you don't publish it, you can still share your work with family and friends who can learn from you.
  • Keep in touch with the missionaries from your home church or community (Missionaries always need support - emotional, financial, spiritual. You could send them a check or an encouraging note to let them know you are praying for them.)
  • For one year, commit to learning about a new missions organization each month - that's 12 per year. Or you could double it and learn about two new ones each month.
  • And don't forget about social media! If missionaries or organizations are on social media sites, stay in touch with them. Follow them on Twitter. Post something encouraging on their Facebook wall. Read their blog posts. If you go to the same church, send them updates on what's going on back home. It's great to stay connected, because it strengthens ministry both at home and abroad.
  • Grab a journal and write down some of your own ideas!
The ideas I have posted here are simply ideas. Some require more work and attention to detail than others, but all of them require intentionality. Whatever means, skills, or finances you have, God has equipped you in some way for missional living. If you know that a missionary needs something and you don't have it, ask God to provide for them. If you want to go on a mission trip and you don't have the funds, ask God to provide for you. When God places a desire in your heart and the time comes, He will provide for you. God's provision is a major theme in Scripture.

Remember that the goal of missions is to share the Gospel with others.

Organizations (click the names to view their websites)

Think Outside the Box (click the names to view their websites)
  • Mosaic Family Services - supports political refugees and victims of human trafficking
  • Not for Sale - campaign to end human trafficking
  • Jesus Said Love - provide support for society's outcasts
  • Free City - provide aid to political refugees
  • Yugo Ministries -establish sustainable communities
  • The A21 Campaign
  • The World Race
  • Joshua Project
  • Invisible Children - While this organization does not have the word Christian in its title or description, its founders and team members are Christians, who are working together to help the oppressed. The whole Kony campaign may not seem relevant from a missional standpoint at first, but if you think about it, the people and children he has manipulated and abused have had no chance at all for hearing the Gospel. In many cases, Christians have to unmuddy the water and prepare a way for missions to even be possible. That is how this organization serves in missions. We need forerunners like them.

Resources (click the names to view their websites)
Well, that concludes my list of ideas, organizations, and resources. This definitely is not an exhaustive list, but I hope it gives you a broader idea of missions, both locally and globally. Contact your church for more info! Below are a couple of videos on missions. Enjoy!

27 May 2012

Gospel to the Nations - Part 1

This is the first of a multi-part series on missions. We, as Christians, are called to love others as Christ did, and to spread the Gospel to the nations. Just check out Matthew 28:16-20 and Acts 1:6-11.

This post deals with our understanding of missions. There are a variety of resources that will help us grasp the concept of missions: the dictionary, Scripture, and a couple of videos.

First of all, let's get a better understanding of the word mission.
Webster's online dictionary has several definitions for the term, all of which you can find here, but for the most part mission involves a purpose, or goal, and someone actively moving towards that purpose or goal. We all can remember from grammar class the tedious lessons that forced us to remember the difference between the active and the passive voice. Looking back, I see how knowing this difference is important. Remember that in the passive voice, the main noun in a sentence is the thing that receives the action. However, in the active voice, the main noun in the sentence is the thing taking action. When you think about missions, or the Christian walk in general, that is how we are supposed to live, actively and not passively.
Another place that will give us better understanding of mission is Acts 2. The disciples were close to Jesus during His ministry on earth. They walked with Him daily and witnessed His power, teaching, and compassion. The disciples trusted that Jesus was indeed the Messiah that the Old Testament prophesied about. However, the disciples still fled at various moments leading up to Jesus' crucifixion. When Jesus rose from the grave, the disciples worshipped Him and spent time in fellowship with Him. When He ascended into heaven, the disciples felt a grieving in their hearts, because the Savior of the world would no longer walk with them physically. However, Jesus reassured the disciples that God the Holy Spirit would always be with them. Even though the disciples would no longer see Jesus physically heal people, they would still see the work of the Holy Spirit. Jesus reassures them of this in Acts 1, specifically verse 8. In Acts 2, we get a picture of how a worship service leads to missions and evangelism. Because of the power of the Holy Spirit, those outside the Church were led to those who were worshipping, and those who worshipped had the opportunity to witness to those outside the Church and explain the work of Christ. Such provision by the Holy Spirit brought many others to salvation.

I could go on, but the point of this is that missions requires the work of the Holy Spirit. If you aren't in tune with the Lord, you won't be able to do His work. You need to be saved, and you need to be walking closely with Him in a committed relationship. Do you want to see the work of the Lord, the work of the Holy Spirit in your life?

 Check out the following videos for a look at two examples of mission opportunities. Neither of these videos are mine, but I personally know individuals involved in the ministries below and have seen the missional work and power of the Holy Spirit God in these ministries. The first video is a promo about two ministries (Desperation Church and Bellevue Baptist College) coming together for local missions. The second video is a recap of the work of Christ carried out by Amazon Medical Missions and another ministry that joined them in Peru. The videos give more info about the ministries involved.

For more info on Desperation Church, click here.
For more info on Amazon Medical Missions, click here!

13 May 2012

Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come. 2 Corinthians 5:17

This song by Carrie Underwood has been my theme song for the semester. Although I do not struggle with the specific problems in the song, I'd say that anyone can benefit from listening to it. As a Christian, I know that I am a new creation in Christ. Just ask Paul in 2 Corinthians 5, specifically verse 17. God has redeemed me by the blood of Jesus. Because of this, I don't want to take for granted the work that He did for me. And I want my life to be a joyful response to His redeeming me. If there are things that you need redemption from, bring it before the Lord. Let HIm know that you want it gone. Whatever it is that does not show that you are a new creation in Christ, lay that down before the Lord Jesus, and let Him restore you and make you beautiful!

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. - Philippians 4:6-7

Wasted - Carrie Underwood

Standing at the back door, She tried to make it fast
One tear hit the hard wood, It fell like broken glass
She said sometimes love slips away
And you just can't get it back
Let's face it

For one split second, She almost turned around
But that would be like pouring rain drops
Back into a cloud
So she took another step and said
I see the way out and I'm gonna' take it

I don't wanna' spend my life jaded, waitin'
To wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Another glass of whisky but it still don't kill the pain
So he stumbles to the sink and pours it down the drain
He says it's time to be a man and stop living for yesterday
Gotta face it.

Cause' I don't wanna' spend my life jaded, waitin'
To wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time

She kept drivin' along
Till the moon and the sun were floating side-by-side
He looked in the mirror and his eyes were clear
For the first time in a while

Hey, yeah,
Oh, I don't wanna' spend my life jaded, waitin'
To wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time

Oh, I don't wanna' spend my life jaded, waitin'
To wake up one day and find
That I've let all these years go by

Yeah, yeah
Oh I don't wanna' keep on wishing, missing
The still of the morning, the color of the night
I ain't spending no more time

Other Resources:
Check out these books for further reading!

30 April 2012

Resolutions, Tornados and Provision

God is a faithful provider. Yet in His provision often comes tornadoes (physical and spiritual), and one must resolve to grasp hold of God's hand in those spinning disasters. On April 27 of last year, a major tornado outbreak hit my home state along with many others. The mile-long tornado that tore up Tuscaloosa and traveled hundreds of miles across Alabama came within a mile or two of my neighborhood. That night was the scariest night I had ever experienced. Even though you prepare all you can for the coming destruction, such preparation can only take you so far. Thankfully, my family and I did not experience the devastation that thousands of others experienced. However, sometimes life can produce other types of events in our lives that resemble a tornado. Right when we think we have everything under control, something comes along and changes our perspective on things. [One specific example is the workload in graduate school. You can plan ahead as much as possible, but if you don't stay on top of your schedule, assignments can slip and build up towards the end of the semester.] In a whirlwind, you lose all sense of direction. Even if you have prepared well for it, you can still experience anxiety. However, if you have a relationship with Christ, you have access to His perfect peace, because you know that the Lord holds your life in the palm of His hand. In some seasons, it feels like you have to fly by the seat of your pants in order to make it through them. Trusting God during those times requires steadfast faith, a plea to God to see you through such times. Such peace and faith cannot occur outside of a growing relationship with Christ.

Be anxious for nothing. But in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go. Joshua 1:9

I'm thankful for the ways in which God speaks to me. Listen to the songs below via YouTube for further encouragement. Remember that God is for you!

04 January 2012

Need Help with Resolutions? Let me help you!

Welcome to my blog! This post includes tips and ideas to help you with those New Year's Resolutions. If you haven't set yours for the year just yet, there is no need to stress out about it. The year is young. Maybe you haven't set them because you roll your eyes at the unrealistic expectations that come around this time of year. But I know that you can accomplish your goals! If God has given you the abilities and opportunities to accomplish the desires of your heart, then you have no excuse  not to chase after them :)

If you don't believe me, read Psalm 37, especially verses 3-6. In this psalm, David contrasts the ways of the wicked with those who have been redeemed by the Lord. At the end, he declares that our victory comes from the Lord.

Trust in the Lord and do good; dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart. Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do this: He will make your righteous reward shine like the dawn, your vindication like the noonday sun.
Psalm 37:3-6

The new year brings hope. Hope of new opportunities, hope in your ability to keep those resolutions come February, and hope in a deepened relationship with God.  This year, be intentional about your relationship with  God.  Talk to Him and spend more time with Him this year.  Let His presence guide you, as you will experience much more joy and peace.  With that, let's take a look at past opportunities and future resolutions.

Before you let January slip away, spend some time reflecting on these areas of your life: opportunities and resolutions.  Grab a notebook, a cup of coffee, tea, or hot chocolate, and answer these questions:  This past year, what opportunities did you seek out?  Which ones did you achieve? Miss? Of the ones you achieved, pick your favorite, and of the ones you missed, pick the one you really wanted to achieve.

Next, list reasons why you wanted to achieve those goals. Let's start with the ones you missed. What was so important about them, and why do you think they slipped away? Do not be discouraged.  Many times the opportunities we seek are unrealistic or outside of God's plan, so it is important to observe those opportunities you missed.

Romans says that, regardless of who you are, we all have fallen short of the glory of God.
See Romans 3:22-24.

Now do the same activity for the opportunities you achieved. List how you accomplished them and why you wanted to. And treat yourself because you achieved them! Praise God for the abilities He has given you to accomplish those goals.

Reflecting on the opportunities of 2011 can help you set realistic resolutions for this new year.  Have you made your New Year's Resolutions yet?  If not, don't worry, as the year has only just begun.  I recommend, though, that you have a list by the end of this week or the first of next week so you can go ahead and establish the routine of what you want to accomplish this year.  Routine is everything.  Setting goals is an exciting way to begin the new year.

As Dave Ramsey recently tweeted, "Goals convert vision into energy. When you write your goals down, you immediately start feeling the earth move under your feet."

Let's take a closer look now.  What are your new year's resolutions?  Is your list a long one or a short one?  You want to categorize and consolidate your list so you can keep up with them. When you make a list of resolutions, it's similar to setting goals, and when you set goals, you want to include long-term and short-term goals. This can include a chart of simple things you can do throughout the week to make those resolutions a reality. Sure, your long-term goal may seem overwhelming, but checking off weekly tasks will help you achieve that long-term goal. It will also boost your confidence!

Now, I understand that your resolutions may not necessarily require a deadline. For example, maybe you want to improve the way you talk to other people, spend more time with your family, or eat healthier. These resolutions do not require a deadline per say, but you still need to be aware of the simple things you can do to conquer those resolutions.

So, it's still important to write down your resolutions and the tasks that go along with them. Post your resolutions and weekly tasks where you will see them often, such as the calendar on your cell phone, your student planner, or a bulletin board in your home office. A bulletin board is an excellent way to visualize the dreams you want to chase.

In addition to your resolutions, surround yourself with motivation! Motivation is key to accomplishing your goals. For example, if one of your resolutions is to lose weight, pin up a recent picture of yourself on a bulletin board. Next to it, pin up a photo of how you want to look once you achieve your goal. You can add inspirational Scripture, quotes, and more also. Get creative with resolutions! If you enjoy the journey, you will be more likely to accomplish your goals!

The final thing I want to address is the idea of keeping promises. In relationships, you build trust by keeping promises. Well, if you have a list of resolutions that you really want to conquer, you need to make promises to yourself. This will help you stay committed to your resolutions. If you cannot keep the promises you make to yourself, you can hardly expect to keep the ones you make to other people.

I hope these tips have helped you. With some attention and effort, you can accomplish your resolutions!