06 December 2011

For the Good of Those who Love Him

Have you ever read something in Scripture that made you so excited about God that you just couldn't contain yourself?

Well, I just did. I'm sitting in Starbucks working on one of my papers for a counseling class, and I was in the process of incorporating a passage in a section of the paper. I began with Romans 8:28 and wanted to include the entire context of that verse, because this provides a more holistic approach to understanding Scripture. Usually the context of a verse, especially in the New Testament, is a few verses that surround the verse you want to use. Well, as I kept branching out further from Romans 8:28, I could not stop at just a few verses, which had brought me to verse 26, which explains how the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. My whole point for using Romans 8:28 is that God is active in our lives and that events in our lives do not happen by chance. God knows beforehand what we are going to walk through, and He also knows how we are going to fail Him. But that's not the end of the story. God also knows how He is going to use the events in our lives.

As a quick tangent, it says in 1 Peter 5:10, "After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect,confirm, strengthen and establish you." Our seasons of suffering and being strengthened and restored by God are in His timing. He will make things right.

So anyways, back to the context of Romans 8:28. As I read verses 26-28, I then went to the beginning of the entire chapter and lo and behold it talks about Jesus! Do you see where I am going with this? The entire chapter of Romans 8 shows how the WHOLE trinity is involved in our lives! It talks about how we are not condemned, but saved from the law of sin and death because of Christ, how the Spirit knows our hearts and intercedes for us before God, and then how God shapes the things of our lives for the good of us who love Him!!! God does not just randomly let good or bad things happen to us. God knows our personalities, our hearts, and so forth, and yet He still wants to work things out for our good, even when we fail Him! Why? Because of His grace and love for us!
Watch this video by David Crowder and listen to the words of the song: